Psychologists provide specialist Treatment and assessments. Most assessments usually involve a clinical interview with the client, as well as the administering of psychological tests providing a report with observation and judgments.
The Mind Practice team is trained in conducting the below-listed assessments:
These assessments are similar to a psychological assessment, except they also take into consideration an individual’s criminal history and background.
Risk of Violence Assessments
Provide an indication of an individual’s risk of violence and what factors will increase/decrease this risk also provide treatment and recommendations.
Sex Offender Assessments
This assessment examines a sex offender’s risk level and includes recommendations on how to manage an offender in the community or in custodial settings.
Psychological Injury Assessments
Assess if an injury has caused psychological damage to an individual, the extent of this injury, and provide any recommendations for treatment.
A few More Forensic Psychological Assessments are:
Transfer evaluations (from Juvenile to Adult Court)
Parenting Capacity & Child Custody Evaluations to stand trial evaluations
Offender evaluations